The Jiber furler by Ubi Maior Italia, used for headsails and specially designed to work without the usual extruded profiles on the stay, is a product that is actually revolutionizing sailing.
The product designed in this way eliminates the profiles of a classic furler, saving a great deal of weight, and above all, all that is attached to the forestay means that when the boat is in the wind it creates a catenary, i.e. a deformation of the forestay that causes the boat to go down the bow, having to reduce the sails to avoid heeling. Without this profile, therefore, the boat is much more stable and does not go down, so with the same wind there is no need to change or reduce the sail. Furthermore, the boat is able to tighten up on the wind compared to upwind, going even more into the wind.
These are the jiber-ubi-Maiorpeculiarities of the system, to which is added a matter of safety because if there is a problem it is sufficient to detach the halyard and the jib goes down with the whole sail, resulting easily manageable even with a small crew.